Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another woman?

The following emails came from one of the addresses in his contact list from the yahoo account. I had trouble with it, so hopefully you can see it all, but I have pasted them into the blog.

June 29 to "****"
Are you familiar with a man named Sebastian or Raoul Canidate?

Jul 28 (2 days ago)

Follow up message
who is asking, may I ask...

Jul 29 (1 day ago)

Follow up message
yes, no problem. Thanks for getting back to me.

My name is Jennie *******. I had lived with him since last October and have this email address (********* from one of the contact lists in one of his email accounts. I discovered that he is not a screenwriter, not a college grad and was cheating on me in May. He has since moved to Fresno. I am deeply concerned that he is involved with women (I've already contacted 3 besides myself that were in relationships with him within the last year, 2 of those women believed he was in love with them and gave him a lot of money) Depending on whether or not you've been involved with him in anyway, this may be a bit shocking. I have since learned that he uses online dating sites to approach women and has accepted large sums of money to help him "pay off a loan" but the loan doesn't exist. So, I do apologize, I hope he has not scammed you also. This is why I emailed the people from his contact list. I hope to make sure you are safe if involved in anyway, and aware in case he is lying to you now.

If you don't mind, may I ask who you are also? I can verify any of this info for you. I just want to make sure that this email address is not his own. I am a teacher and mother to five, the youngest is Sebastian/Raoul's son. If you would be willing, I would appreciate it if you can share how you know him etc. I have no ill intentions toward you, my only wish is to make sure you aren't affected negatively by what he does, and if there is any info you have that may help stop him from hurting others.

Some of the other women I've contacted were in disbelief, and called him to see what the truth was. He responds by saying that I am a crazy/bipolar ex girlfriend or that the baby is not his/ waiting for a blood test etc. This is all untrue. I can provide more info for you once I confirm who you are.

He's currently under an order of protection. I apologize for being the bearer of bad news, or inconveniencing you with a long story, if it doesn't apply to you. I've attached a copy of the protection order, for verification purposes.

I hope to hear back from you,

Her reply:

my question is if what you say is true about this man and how he is someone who you are basically disgusted with and want out of your life...why are you and him friends on facebook still? Now I am not calling you a lier but I want to know the dead honest truth...because believe me if you give me the truth I will give you a lot of truth! It will help you out a lot I believe!???? I hope I should say...

My response today:
That is a very good question. Despite this whole ordeal, I don't have the luxury of cutting him out of my life completely, because of our son. The facebook page by Raoul that you see is a result of my own challenge to him to go public with the fact that he has a son, and supposedly wants to make his life right. It was one of the only ways I could think of to warn any women he might date or get involved with at this point that he's got history. When I first met him, I checked him out thoroughly and found nothing wrong.

He is the one to chose to put "in a relationship" on his profile. You will notice that my facebook is listed as single, and if you view my profile pics, you'll see that one shows him with the rest of our family. That was my old profile picture. I can "unfriend" him, I honestly have just ignored it for a while. He and I still speak sometimes, and he did agree to pay the rent one last time on the home we shared. My children and I are trying to move out, but still trying to find a place of our own. As soon as I do, I will have no more financial ties to him aside from child support that's been ordered through the courts already.

Raoul claims to be "in love" with me, want to be back as a part of the family, etc. And to be honest, even with all that's happened to us, that sometimes sounds real. I have recently stopped communicating with him by phone, because it's really messing with me. I need the distance so I can get healthy after what's happened. I hope you will understand I was in love with him for 3 years, and this is tragic and confusing. He was my "best friend", or so I thought.

I don't know if that explains enough to you. I have had many who know him flat out accuse me of lying. And I would like to give you the info you'd need to verify more, but I still have no idea who you are.

I will do this though, I will let you call me, because that'd be hard to fake for him.
There is a woman in Texas who was totally shocked by all this (she was with him for almost 2 years and at the same time that he was living with me), but once we spoke on the phone for a while, it became clear.
I would appreciate any information you may have to clarify what is going on to me, especially if you believe he's even now still lying to me. If he's continuing relationships with others, I have got to cut those final ties of empathy for him. Would you consider talking to me? Or maybe just letting me know who you are so that I am comfortable sending you more info?

Thanks again for responding.

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