Sunday, July 19, 2009

Attorney or punk?

The day after Dulce, the singer, had it out with me on the phone, I received a strange call.

Saved voice message, Friday 2:56 pm 956-621-2763
Mrs. ******, this is attorney Javier Villareal calling from Brownsville, Texas.
I represent Dulce Gonzales, who you subpoenaed to show up in Arizona a week from now.
Can you please call my cell phone at 956-571-6155? Thank you.

Well, at first I thought, darn it, she got an attorney...more legal issues for me. And then resigned myself to it--because I've done nothing illegal--before I realized:

1. What kind of an attorney asks you to call their cell phone? Being in the professional world myself, I avoid anyone from work calling my personal phone at all costs!

2. The voice sounded like an unsure-of-himself nineteen year old.

3. From Brownsville? Not from the law firm's name?

I listened to the message again.

4. The phone number it was called from was not the same as the one he left me to call back.

Ok, now I think it's a prank call. I call the "attorney" anyhow.

When he answers, he seems to be guessing at his own identity and trying to figure out who I am. I question whether or not he represents her, and if so, why didn't he file with the courts and mail the documents to me? What was the name of his firm? He gave his own name for the firm, which I thought was laughable. He said he was doing this more as just a friend, and tried to bully his way into a conversation with "Do you really expect her to show up in court? Are you going to pay for her trip?" Immediately I shut him down with telling him I believed it was illegal to impersonate a lawyer and if he ever called me again, I'd file an Injunction Against Harassment against him.

I took a breather before dialing Dulce. She answered in her sweet, girlish voice that he really was an attorney and apologized because "she didn't mean to laugh." I conclude that she is truly idiotic and was completely taken aback that she was actually dull enough to request that someone pose as an attorney to crank call me. I am actually disappointed because I thought she was better than this. I mean, what is this, high school? She argued that I could look him up on the internet (I did later on, to find that there was actually a listing but the business was not active...but who knows, and who cares?) I think I heard her make some inane comment as to my paying for her trip to Arizona, and then I interrupted with "Sweetie..."
She commanded me not to call her sweetie, because she was not my sweetie. At that point, I certainly had quite enough of the childishness and hung up on her.

After the time it took me to let this sink in, I sat numbly in my chair. Had it really happened? Had this little trollop actually learned everything that has happened to us, and still reacted this way? Where are the sane people in this world? What about her mother's earnest pleas? What about her promises not be selfish anymore? How on earth did Sebastian date such a conceited little prick? Really? He left me to date a 22 year old, empty headed, fat, short brat? I'm disgusted with myself, with him, with her...with the world. Now I understand how she was stupid enough to buy his lies and put up with him visiting her so rarely.

But then...what was my excuse?

I laid my head down on my desk, and just sobbed quietly.

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