Thursday, July 16, 2009

Kevin and the threat

After finding out that Kevin and Wendie, the owners of the home I've been living in, have 4 properties listed as owner occupied, I really wanted to get out of this living arrangement. I've asked both Kevin and Wendie, separately and together to either get together with me and/or sign a lease on a month to month basis over and over. There has always been an excuse. Family in town, gotta run, call on the other line...whatever. After posting on Facebook that I was looking for a place, my good friend from Colorado asked why. I told her the whole story about how the landlords wanted to make sure I could stay, saying that they needed to make payments late for four months and then refinance the loan. After three real estate agents and one bank employee explained to me that it only takes sixty days now to refinance, and that I definitely should move out-- I thought I'd take the hint.

Well, within an hour of posting my need for a new place, Wendie called with a lease. Could I email it to you? She was urgent and flustered. Hmmm...

It didn't get emailed by 2:00 p.m., as she promised, but after a follow up call, I did pull it from my email and print. It still listed the house rent at $1400, and had conditions like that the owners could come by anytime. I decided to email a reply with a request to sit down with them and discuss the lease.

Wendie finally called and asked simply if she could come by to pick it up. I requested that we meet once again. She began to say it was unnecessary when her husband took the phone from her. I could hear scuffling and arguing. Kevin said he'd meet with me. After explaining that I'd rather meet publicly at the Village Inn here in A.J., he changed it without explanation to the Walmart on Signal Butte. He was quite sarcastic when I earnestly requested we be able to sit down and talk instead of meet in a parking lot, explaining there was a Subway inside. Feeling a bit dumb, I agreed and could hear a man's voice in their vehicle jumping in to say,"Ya, I can be there."

This scared me, so I asked who it was. Kevin, in his usual jumpy, frantic manner said it was his brother. Naturally my next question was why his brother needed to be there. He gave some odd answer and seemed to put on a nonchalant tone. I felt alarmed, but agreed nevertheless.

After hanging up, the phone rang right back in my hand. Startled, I answered to hear Wendie's voice, angry and intense, canceling the meeting. When I asked her why, she started lacing curse words into her feelings of insult about being called a liar on Facebook. She complained that they have bent over backwards to make sure I could stay in the house and were only trying to help me. After a barrage of words, I calmly replied that I looked up the information on the house, and with $260,000 financed on it, the payments should be around $1800. Why had they taken such a loss on the home during the arrangements they made with Raoul? What kind of friends were they really? Also, there are four properties listed with you as the owner/occupant...didn't she know this was illegal? Volume raised as she yelled. How dare I investigate them? How dare I go into their personal business? She began a lame attempt to explain when Kevin stole the phone away again.

I could feel my heart pounding, as he began a tirade of how they were only trying to help me. I began shaking. I reminded him that just last week I requested a lease in my name, due to fear of what would happen to the children and I and he rudely shouted that he'd never seen a penny from me.

You see, all this time, Kevin complained that Raoul was constantly late with payments. He even claimed that he served Raoul eviction notices at least three times. Of course, this was when they drove wildly up to our home, knocked on the door and the window, shocking Ericka and sending her into tears. I answered the door that night, asking to step outside to avoid concerning the children in this catastrophe, but Kevin insisted that he be allowed to show Ericka it was only him, you know, to calm her. Instead, he barged into the house, looking about and asking what property of Raoul's I might be selling. Perhaps he could trade the big screen TV for rent?

Sickened by his greedy response, I manage to put the feeling aside as I saw Wendie tear up. As a mom, I could see she understood my grief at seeing the man I loved stabbed a sword through my kids' belongings, and admitted to, not one, but two affairs. She seemed to empathize, and asked if I'd go to church with them. I didn't necessarily have a strong desire to go to church, but believing them sincere, hugged Kevin and cried that I needed God right now.

So, all this reaction when we first learned the truth about "Sebastian," but now he yells about how Raoul is the only one who ever made a payment? How does this make sense?

By the time Kevin finished on the phone with me, I retorted,
"What did you just say to me?"
He clarified that he only meant he was thinking about physically attacking me. I hung up promptly and called the police.

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